With Dr Steven MacGregor
There's no doubt that working from home has rapidly grown in popularity over the last ten years - and with good reason. In addition to breaking down geographical barriers, and opening up previously inaccessible talent pools, it offers significant financial savings for businesses and better work-life balance for workers.
Then, in 2020, when the global pandemic hit, working from home became commonplace in many homes across the globe. According to the UK's Office for National Statistics, 48% of the UK workforce was working from home in March 2020 -, up from 27% in 2019,
But what happens when the boundaries blur when working from home and we find ourselves living at work? When previous daily rituals are gone and the days merge, meetings overrun and the working days slowly seep into the evenings. When the click of your laptop lid replaces the commute but that time is lost to extra work, rather than valuable decompression.
For the team here at Vyou, which has a remote-first structure, this topic is one we are all invested in.
We caught up with a global expert in workplace health, wellbeing and performance, Dr Steven MacGregor, to find out how we should all be working effectively from home, without slipping into the danger of living at work.
We love the concept of established rituals. What rituals will you develop to help add definition to your working day?
Here at Vyou, we're on a mission to transform the way we manage work wellness so that employee wellbeing is never compromised for business success again.
Get started today by requesting a demo, booking a call back or signing up for a free trial.